Tips Cara Trading Binary Option Untuk Pemula

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How to use binary options ( trading binary option )
Binary option trading tips how to read signals. You will know about trading with low deposit and strategies to make money online. You can looking for best reviews about tricks, signal or binary option trading strategy
In this section we will explain how to work practically with binary options. To activate a position, there are four simple steps to be implemented:
- select the asset
- choose direction
- choose the deadline
- decide the amount to be invested
Through the "Signal room", you will be notified of these variables for each signal, and the amount to be invested is a discretionary choice of the investor.
- Currency pairs (euro / dollar, dollar / pound, euro / yen etc.)
- Indices (Nasdaq, Dow Jones, Nikkei, FTSE MIB, etc.)
- Actions (google, apple, cola, microsoft etc.)
- Raw materials (gold, silver, oil, corn and so on.)
We will use all assets although our operations will be concentrated on the currencies as this market is the most liquid and therefore more regular.
The direction:
- High / low (in which it is expected if the price at maturity will be higher or lower than the current one)
- Touch it or not (in which it is expected if the price at maturity will reach or not the price target set)
- Interval (where you expect if the price at maturity will be included or not in the range of prices established)
- Short-term (equal to up / down but with short-term maturities of 1, 2, 5 minutes)
- Option builder (such as high / low but with maturity "to measure")
We use almost always "up / down" and "short-term". Types "touches or not" and "interval" will be used only in certain situations of market volatility or to certain "events" or "news" economic / financial.
- To type high / low deadlines are fixed on schedules set by the broker and the second time of the day you have several choices ... a few minutes up to days;
- For the type short-term deadlines are not set by the broker but are fixed by the time we open the position and can last 1, 2, 5 minutes;
The price:
The price is set freely by the operator but with minimum and maximum set by each broker:
- The minimum can vary from 1 to $ 25
- The maximum may 'vary from 600 to $ 25,000
After registering in your private area, you can go to the "how to use the signals" where you will find all the detailed instructions, advice and warnings to make best use of binary options. For advanced users will be available a personal account that in addition to helping you become familiar with this tool, we will give you all the tips to get the best results.