Lowongan Kerja Terbaru BANK MEGA SURABAYA Tahun 2017

Starting from a family-owned business called PT. Karman bank founded in 1969 and based in Surabaya, then in 1992 changed its name to PT. Mega Bank and relocating headquarters to Jakarta. Along with the development of PT. Mega Bank in 1996 was taken over by THE GROUP (PT. The Global Investindo and PT. The Fellow Investama). To further enhance the image of PT. Mega Bank, in June 1997 to change the logo with the aim that as public confidence in financial institutions, will be more easily recognized by the new company logo. In 2000 made changes to the name of PT. Mega Bank to PT. Bank Mega.
In order to strengthen the capital structure, the same year PT. Bank Mega carry out an Initial Public Offering and listed on the JSE and BES. Thus some of the shares of PT. Mega Bank is owned by the public and changed its name to PT. Bank Mega Tbk. At the time of economic crisis, Bank Mega sticking out as one of the banks that are not affected by the crisis and continue to grow without the help of government together with Citibank, Deutsche Bank and HSBC.
Untuk mengembangkan perusahan dalam bidang perbankan, BANK MEGA membuka lowongan kerja dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
Kualifikasi :
· Usia Maksimal 28 Tahun
· Pendidikan S1 atau S2 dengan IPK diatas 3,00 (Skala 4).
· Berpengalaman 2 tahun di Operation Banking (seperti Teller, CS, Spv Oprs, Back office)
· Bersedia mengikuti training selama 6 bulan
· Siap untuk ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia
Tunggu juga lowongan pekerjaan terbaru di Bank Mega melalui penyelenggaraan Job Fair Jawa Timur yang di buka di Kota anda. Tidak menutup kemungkinan, bulan Agustus, September atau Loker Job Fair Oktober dan Desember 2017.
JIka anda tertarik bisa mengirim lamaran sekarang.